Lean Business Ireland Conference Feedback Form

On behalf of Lean Business Ireland, our sponsors Engineering Industries Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, ICBE Advanced Productivity Skillnet, IDA Ireland, Leading Edge Group, Suir Engineering, Seraph Consulting and the BoxMedia Team - We thank you once again for supporting the conference, without your participation we would not have achieved such a successful event again this year.

  • On a scale from 1 (extremely low) to 5 (extremely high) how would you rate the following

    1 = extremely low 5 = extremely high
    1 = extremely low 5 = extremely high
    1 = extremely low 5 = extremely high
    1 = extremely low 5 = extremely high
  • (Maybe listed on event website)
  • We are grateful for your feedback. Thank you.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.