Our Commitment to Your Privacy
Your privacy is not only important to the organiser of this event, but we are legally obliged to protect your personal contact details.
As an event organiser and European based company BoxMedia must be compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information from individuals who live in the European Union (EU).
Under the rules of GDPR, your personal data is guaranteed not to be shared with any third party organisation and will only be used to communicate with you by the event organiser to share with you updates, opportunities and rewards.
Watch out for, this is not us:
In recent years and since the introduction of GDPR (25th May 2018) a number of spurious companies have targeted conferences, exhibitions and meetings that are promoted through social media, promising access to that events data.
This will generally be communicated to you via email which is spam and should be ignored and removed from your server. The emails are normally not very convincing, unless you reply to same when a sales person will continue to aggressively push the sale.
You should be aware this is not the organiser of this event contacting you, nor is it a third party working on our behalf of the organiser – these emails are illegal and Do Not contain any of the data gathered during this event.
A typical spurious and fake email can be viewed by clicking here. Please note this email was received on the 17th February (7 months prior to the event), but promises data is available now….
Should you have any comments or concerns please let us know.
Yours sincerely
BoxMedia (Email or + 353 46 9773434)